Depression Specialists
Seacoast Medical Associates
Primary Care Practice located in Newburyport, MA
Patients suffering from depression deserve compassionate and goal-oriented treatment from the providers at Seacoast Medical Associates have extensive experience in treating patients with depression and anxiety through traditional Pharmacological therapy. Our providers serve patients in and around Newburyport, Massachusetts. Extended appointment times allow for adequate discussion and ensure patients leave with all of their questions answered.
Depression Q & A
How’s depression treated?
The medical experts at Seacoast Medical Associates customize treatment for depression depending on each patient’s needs and medical history. While some patients benefit from cognitive behavioral therapy, others benefit from lifestyle changes, and yet others benefit from a custom regimen of medications or supplements. At Seacoast Medical Associates, providers invest time in learning about each patient’s unique experience with depression and design a treatment plan that addresses the underlying causes.
Is depression hereditary?
Patients with a family history of depression are generally at increased risk of developing depression. However, available research doesn't identify a clear genetic link and the risk is lower than other genetic diseases.
What are the symptoms of depression?
Depression manifests in a variety of signs and symptoms:
- Changes in appetite
- Weight gain or loss
- Feeling tired, fatigued, or a lack of energy
- Suicidal thoughts or thoughts of self-harm
- Feelings of restlessness or irritability
- Feelings of worthlessness, hopelessness, or guilt
- Difficulty completing daily tasks
Each patient experiences depression differently. It’s important that patients share their feelings and experiences with their primary care provider to ensure appropriate and effective treatment.
Can depression be treated at home?
Patients take steps to battle depression at home, but seeking consultation from a health care provider helps identify underlying causes. At-home measures include exercising regularly and choosing a healthy diet rich in fruits and vegetables.
How often should patients with depression go to the clinic?
The medical professionals at Seacoast Medical Associates recommend that patients come to the clinic on a set schedule (i.e., every 3-6 months) to evaluate the efficacy of treatment. Following a new medication, or an adjustment in the dose or schedule of a medication, they recommend patients come in sooner for a follow-up (i.e., 4, 6, or 8 weeks after the change) to assess efficacy and side effects.